Friday, December 4, 2009


olivia has been quite the healthy fact, other than a little congestion right when she came home from the hospital and teething, she has been in the clear. not anymore. this past week was pretty rough in the smith household. first mommy came down with the sicks after turkey day...then miss.O two days later. that has got to be one of the hardest times for a be sick the same time as any of your kids. but olivia got the worst of the ickies and it took two trips to the peds office and an antibiotic to kick the week long ick. olivia is so much better now, thank the lord.....i do not think nathan, olivia or i could have taken not one more sleepless night. thank you, amoxicillin!!
what, do i look bad or something?

a portrait of the ickies (nathan was so grossed out by this pic, but this is what i stared at for a week)

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