Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Jackson

i cannot believe another year has passed and MY littleman is 3!! we celebrated this wonderful day with just our immediate family...a nice dinner, play and cake. jackson had a ball all day.... school celebrations, singing to him at chapel..just plain, good fun.
Happy Birthday to you, my love...may you have more laughter, happiness and fun to come. you bring us joy for every minute we share with you!!
Mommy, Daddy and sissy


Allison Vogt said...

Happy Birthday, Jackson! Cool cake! Very cool how you made the batter! Did they sing to Tripp in chapel too? For some reason they have his b-day listed on the 10th instead of the 25th. ha. We're looking forward to Jackson's party tomorrow!

The Muchachos said...

Happy Birthday, Jackson!! Nicole-Where's the recipe? That looks so cool! I'm going to need it for Liam when he's big enough to smash in his face!! :)