Thursday, August 14, 2008

playing catch up

so to say the least, i have been quite slack in posting to our blog, so here is a brief summary of the past few between feeling under the weather from nausea and headaches and the real weather being so crummy, jackson and i have managed to share some fun moments..
we have made a trip to the zoo with the mcdonalds, nightingales and sharkey families, had some park play dates, chik-fil-a lunches, rides on the jacksonville people mover with kirby and bebe, storytimes at the library followed by the famous mrs. owl session, gym class,
bookstore adventures, learning how krispy kreme doughnuts are made with shelley and emsley, pool dates, watching jaguar football practices with daddy and other good family moments on the weekends just about wrap up the summary!
not so bad for not leaving jacksonville city addition to not posting often, my camera has been on vacation as well, but i will soon add some cute shots of recent moments..thanks to all of our friends and family for helping us break up the summer bordem....i don't know who is looking forward to school starting more, me or littleman??

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