Thursday, February 11, 2010

"R" is for....

"R" is for rollerskate!! every week jackson learns a different letter of the alphabet and this week was "R". and with that learning comes show and tell on thursdays that coordinates to the letter, so this week jackson chose his rollerskates.....but he did not want to bring them, he wanted to WEAR them to school. this got interesting because until now, he has not worn them for more than 5min and on carpet for that matter. i did not have the heart to say no, so what did i do??
I carried him to the car, out of the car and into school. lets just say, my back hurt a bit..not used to carrying a nearly 4 yr old on the hip. it was worth it though just to see the look on his face telling me how much fun he had showing them at school....he felt like a super cool man.
oh how big he is getting, and fast the time has gone!

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