Saturday, November 7, 2009

10 months!!!!

our little Miss O is 10 months old today......its really hard to believe that she is close to turning one. just feels like yesterday that she was born, tiny little thing that she was. boy has she grown and changed in these months. she is a doll, cracks us up and always seems to make the day brighter! she is pulling up on everything and moving faster than i can catch her these days. she was given a rockstar status at her 9 month checkup (which was just the other day, so it was more like her 10mth ckup). she weighed in at 18lb 2 oz and 28 1/2 inches long. that put her in the 20% for weight and close to the 40% for height. she is our petite princess as the Dr put it. perfect no matter what!!

watch out world, here i come.........

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