Monday, August 10, 2009

Off to the OC...

tomorrow morning jackson, olivia and I are off to the, not cali, but rather orange county, new york. my entire family is up there and we have not been back since the winter after nathan and i got married!! none of my family has had the opportunity to meet jackson or olivia, so this is going to be a real treat ( on so many levels, wink)....wait til they get a load of littleman, they won't know what has hit them, hehe. along with it being our first trip back in quite some time, it will be the first ever plane ride for both kids......and i get the honors of being their escort solo!! i hope it goes by fast and smooth. fingers crossed and many prayers said........i apologize in advance to anyone who is on the continental fight north tomorrow for any craziness that ensues.
i remember, back in the day, looking forward to a nice flight somewhere fun, book in hand, the opportunity to catch up on some mindless reading and then looking at those who are boarding the plane and seeing it...... that mom, kids in tow, one screaming, one running around and the mom looking like, "please god, deliver me from evil", and all i could think was....."oh great, those brats and that crazed woman are probably going to be seated next to much for peace!" a little ironic that now i may be one of those moms....just praying we can all get there in one piece and hope that we do not make others any crazier than we are.....karma baby.
wish us luck....happy travels


Allison Vogt said...

have a great time! i wasn't sure when you were leaving. hope your flight up went well!

A.Perez said...

You have beautiful children. I am writing this since you abandoned your "entire" family..everyone.You then used Olivia and Jackson as leverage to get them to welcome you backto the OC. Do you think they would have met you if the Kids weren't there?

I don't know what has happened to you. Nobody recognizes you anymore pretending to be Martha Stewart!! We wish the Kids the absolute best but we have been disrespected enough...Boss everyone else around, but I have no Guilt trips and you are no longer my daughter. Good bye Nicole Smith. As Peyton used to say there is something in the water in Jax that makes everyone a phony and think so Damn HIGHLY of themselves.
One day I will explain what happened to Jackson & Olivia. Bye