yesterday was jackson's 3 year checkup and to make things easier on myself (or so i thought, sigh), i also took olivia at the same time for her 4mos ckup......a bit chaotic, but thank goodness nathan met us there to help manage the moment. without him, i don't think i would have come out with any info!! The kids both did great and got perfect scores.
Jackson continues to be our mr. long and lean and it only took him turning three to hit the 30lb mark!!!! he is in the 75th% for height and had increased to 40th% in weight. he "performed" well for Dr. Hardman and by the end of the appt., had her cracking up.
Olivia is also making wonderful strides in growth and is at or above where she should be for her developmental age, yay!! a far cry from where we started 6 1/2 weeks early. she grew 3 3/4" and gained 3lbs in 7 weeks!!! we were hoping to leave on a happy note, but littlemiss had to get 4 shots and one oral vaccination, ughh...once home though, jackson helped olivia make her booboos better with a little tlc......