Wednesday, February 4, 2009

sweet words, big gestures

jackson has been so amazing about his new baby sister. we honestly could not ask for him to be so good with her or to her....he loves to "love" her, always wants to check on her and make sure she is ok and is very serious about always saying good night and good morning with kisses and hugs to her. yesterday he even got upset when he could not kiss her hello after school. yes, i am being a little anal when it comes to jackson and school germs around her.
Jackson is really showing a different side of himself with gentle and loving in a way that no one outright taught him to do....he has says the sweetest things at the most random times lately and I catch him just looking at her in a kind way.....this morning, he looked at me while i was feeding her breakfast and said "mommy, baby sister likes you....I think she might love u"...then he said that olivia was sooooo pretty. The best was when i was changing her diaper, which he loves to help with and he said "mommy, hold on a minute, i need to get my babydoll sister too and change careful (pronounced carespall) with olivia though, she is a tiny baby and make sure to keep her safe, so that bad monsters and dinosaurs not get her!!" you should have seen his face...very serious and mattter-of-fact about it!!!
i am loving every minute of every day more now than ever!!

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